Partenaires médias officiels

Merger of two leaders

The Energies Froid trade show and the Cold Chain Forum joined together to create a unique event dedicated to all refrigeration players.

Two leaders gathered to build up a key event

PYC Group, Energies Froid and La Rpf: the refrigeration market’s reference.

  • Media leaders on refrigeration, professional kitchens and HVAC markets (La Rpf, Cuisine Pro, Clima+Confort …)
  • An outstanding reputaion from many PME and craft decision-makers.
  • 14 years of expertise in proximity events thanks to Energies Froid trade show and its refrigerationists, air-conditioning technicians, kitchen manufacturers, engineering, renewable energies experts...

Infopro Digital, Cold Chain Forum: the user expertise.

  • A proximity with retail, industry, food industry, construction, (publisher of LSA, L’Usine Nouvelle, Néo Restauration, Industrie Pharma, Le Moniteur…)
  • A media leader group mobilizing force and a great promotional plan
  • A renowned congress to the overall sector thanks to 40 lectures and 100 key speakers